Friday, September 5, 2014

DC/MARVEL Crossover

JustSo I've watched Guardians of the Galaxy and I loved it. I think Ronan the Accuser was one of my favorite personas because he's been portrayed as the anti-hero before. In comics they've actually put him helping the guardians and whatnot.

One of my other favorite characters that are also portrayed as an anti-hero is Harley Quinn.

I decided to combine the characters and make....ready?....

Harley the Accuser!

Psycho lady death chick with the powerful ambience of Ronan? Can't mess with that. So here is my initial work on. Harleen the Accuser:

Thoughts? Comments? Remember this purely fan fiction stuff so don't take offense if I've taken liberties on the characters. Take a chill pill it's just art.